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Inauguration report

Saturday April 14th, at 10:00 am, the exhibition “Efisio. Martirizzato dai romani, santificato dai cristiani, venerato dai contemporanei” was inaugurated at the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.

The morning started with a conference moderated by the museum director Roberto Concas, during which some speech took place: first, that of the director of the Museum centre of Sardinia Giovanna Damiani, second that of the assessor of Tourism, Craftsmanship and Commerce of Sardinia Barbara Argiolas, third the assessor of Productive Activities, Tourism and Equal Opportunity Policies Marzia Cilloccu, the president of the “Arciconfraternita del Gonfalone di Sant’ Efisio Martire” Francesco Cacciuto and finally Roberto Concas. At the end, accompanied by the music of the Launeddas by Luigi Lai, the famous eighteenth-century statue of Sant’Efisio by the Sardinian sculptor G.A. Lonis entered to the museum, brought by some members of the confraternity in the room dedicated to him, while some women in traditional dresses scattered rose petals in its path.

The first visitors had the pleasure of receiving a special guided tour performed by the archaeologist Manuela Puddu who accompanied them along the exhibition divided into four sections: on the first floor the story of the city of Cagliari in the roman age at the time of the soldier Efisio; on the second floor the events of the Saint’s life until his martyrdom, the cult during the Middle Age and the birth of the festivity after the vow of the 1600. Traditional dresses and jewels , some historical documents and suggestive multimedia contributions accompany the exhibited finds. The morning ended with a enogastronomic itinerary set up in different floors, curated by the Italian Sommelier Association.

The exhibition will be open until September 30th, 2018.

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